Fall 2024 Announcements

1. FY25 pricing list is now available for your review.  These prices will be effective on 10/1/2024. Please note some prices have increased.

  •   *Dry Ice charges- Effective on 10/1/2024 charges of Dry Ice will occur after 1 scoop is used. (1 scoop is approximately 2 lbs. If needed during a visit with room utilization)


2. Inpatient Orders Reminders from 9B lab

      • Please be sure to review your orders prior to submitting. We have consistently found errors around incorrect templates, wrong subject name, codes which significantly delays implementation.
      • Be sure to confirm that subject's base information (full legal name, medical record number and date of birth) is entered correctly and consistent between scheduler and study order prior to submitting to the mailbox (CCI9Aborders@partners.org).


3. Please be mindful of the following cancellation reasons when entering into the scheduling system. Using one of the following reasons will assist CCI in streamlining our procedures:

      • Data Entry Error
      • Ineligible for the study: Failed Screening or other visit
      • No Show
      • Unforeseen Circumstances: Personal
      • Unforeseen Circumstances: Sick


4. The following areas will help manage scheduling workflow and appointments. If you have any questions, please contact Polovna Laine, CCI Operations Manager.

      • Study Staff Contact Information
        • Be sure to add contact information in the comment section of the Scheduler system for a courtesy call. If you do not add your contact information, please meet your patient on the floor at the appointment time.
      • Search Criteria 
        • Set your search criteria window to +/-5 days. This will allow alternate dates and times if your desired day is unavailable.
      • Overbook Request
        • If you are unable to schedule on your desired date, an urgent appointment is required, please submit the overbook request and contact Scheduler using this email address:  BWHschedulingcci@bwh.harvard.edu.
        • Please also check your timeline (on the homepage) resources before submitting an overbook request.
        • Do not arrive on the floor without a ‘confirmed’ overbook request. If you have not received confirmation, call the CCI Staff Scheduler 617-732-6860
      • Sample Processing
        • If you are required to conduct sample processing, this can only be done in the lab processing area. Prior arrangements should be made with outpatient lab techs or outpatient lab supervisor.
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